The Mobile Transit Advocacy Coalition (MTAC) seeks to improve the public transit system and encourage its use in Mobile County.

What do we do?

We empower our members to contact and engage with their elected officials to improve our public transit system.

We educate the public and elected officials on why investing in public transit has a significant return on investment in our economy, workforce development, and quality of life.

We encourage the public to use public transit and give feedback to decision-makers.

An photo of downtown Mobile.

Why should we invest in public transit?

  1. Decreased Traffic Congestion. The more people taking public transit, the fewer cars there are on the roads. Streets like Airport Blvd, Cottage Hill, Government Blvd, and Schillinger Road can also be a nightmare during rush hour.

  2. Workforce Development. Not having reliable transportation is one of the biggest barriers for people wanting to work. Investing in public transit can mean residents can go to work without worrying about trying to find a ride, and employers can find more workers.

  3. Fewer Traffic Accidents. Fewer cars on the road also mean fewer accidents. Public transit decreases drunk driving and people texting and driving. The chances of getting into an accident are less than 1% if you take public transit.

  4. More freedom. Many in Mobile County depend on their car to get where they need or want to go. Public transit allows the freedom not to have to drive your car.

  5. Save Money. Owning a personal car means paying for fuel, insurance, maintenance, and a monthly note unless you own it. According to the American Automobile Association, the average person spends roughly $9,000 on using and maintaining their car every year.

  6. Less Crime. Many studies have shown the connection between poverty and crime. Public transit can help lift people out of poverty by connecting them with good-paying jobs and mental health resources.

  7. Parking Downtown. Finding a parking spot downtown can be a hassle, especially if you have to pay to park. Less stress means a longer life while enjoying Downtown Mobile's wonderful restaurants, museums, shops, parks, bars, and events like LoDa ArtWalk and Mardi Gras. And speaking of bars…

  8. Designated Drivers and Driving Under the Influence. Public transit allows people to enjoy drinking responsibly and not worry about finding a designated driver, thus reducing the number of drunk drivers. More than a quarter of all traffic-related deaths are the direct result of alcohol impairment.

  9. Gain Back Time. Public transit means you can safely text your friends and loved ones, read a book, enjoy your favorite social media like Facebook and TikTok, or catch up on your favorite shows on a streaming service. You can relax during your ride or commute instead of paying attention to the road.

  10. Independence. Many of our residents cannot drive at night due to impaired vision or cannot drive at all due to age, suspended license, or disability. Public transit gives them the freedom to be independent without relying on others. Ride-share services like Uber and Lyft can be very expensive.

  11. New or Improved Transit. Investing in public transit can mean increasing access to cities in Mobile County, like Citronelle, Bayou LaBatre, Saraland, and Creola. It can also mean more bus shelters, frequent bus times, electric buses, a bus rapid transit (BRT) system, on-demand micro-transit, and more.

  12. Environmental Benefits. These include a reduction of carbon emissions and air pollution (which results in better air quality) and a decrease in the need for road repairs.